As you browse through the pages of our web site you will note that the only prices shown are associated with the products we carry, not with the services we provide. There is a reason for this.


There are two major pet crematorium companies serving all the vet clinics, private companies and individuals located in the Greater Toronto Area who provide Pet After-Care services (cremation). At Thistledown we have our own on-site crematorium and we strongly believe that although price is often an important consideration, the more important concerns for the grieving pet owner should be:


  1. Will the pet After-Care provider I select treat my pet’s remains with dignity and respect? and

  2. Will my pet’s After-Care provider help me and my family take those first few steps in the grieving process?


At Thistledown we do not provide a wholesale cremation service for vet clinics; we are set up to provide a very personal service to help pet owners prepare for and cope with the loss of a very important family member, the family pet. At Thistledown we strive to keep our prices competitive, however, we will not price match nor will we provide discounted pricing to attract new clients.


When we are contacted by a pet owner or by someone phoning (emailing) on their behalf, we discuss the services we provide that may best meet the needs of that particular pet owner and his/her family. Many of our clients have told us that although the information provided on our web site or through a phone call or email was crucial in helping them select our services, until they were actually involved in the “Thistledown Experience”, they really did not appreciate what a difference selection of their pet’s After-Care provider could make. To help you, as a pet owner better appreciate the benefit you and your family may receive by selecting Thistledown to assist in your pet’s After-Care, we encourage you to read through the Unsolicited Testimonials page on our web site to gain an appreciation for how we have helped numerous pet owners over the years prepare for and cope with the loss of their pet. Should you have any questions or require more information regarding the services we provide, please click on the Contact Us page of our web site.


We hope your pets will have many more fun-filled healthy years with you and your family. However, accidents and sudden illness can occur and change life very quickly and very dramatically. It is this reason we encourage you, as a pet owner, to determine the nature of pet After-Care resources available in your area and beyond before a need arises.